About RCSurfrider

It all started back in January of 2000 when I injured myself on my hopped up YZ 250 at Glamis sand dunes California. I ended up breaking my femur and cracking my pelvic bone. I remember lying in the sand dunes, after hitting a huge unseen sand berm doing 55+ mph. I was shocked, with my leg bent to the side. I could not stand up. My first thought was dang no more surfing for me anytime soon. Why me!
After 3 /4 months of down-time, standing up on my surfboard again was painful. Surfing has always been my true passion and to knew I wouldn’t be able to get back to the level of surfing that I was at anytime soon. Stoked since age 11, I surfed almost everyday. Good days and bad loving everything about the life style with all the positive entities that go around surfing…I even married a beautiful and smart island girl to help me stay close to the surfing beach.
Needing something to do on my down-time from work, broken leg guys need to find something new to do or build and ride. The hobby scene seamed the way to go for me at the time to help my recovery.
” Whhaatt no way really I said?” Radio controlled surfing!??? I first found myself rubbing my eyes, as if I were in a dream. Thinking back as a kid when we duct taped G.I. JOE on a RC boat at the pool… “Look that’s perfect bowl section for GI JOE.” I thought.
The first production RC surfers came out in 1999 thanks to Jason Hull from Australia and Kyosho. I bought several kits and started building this life changing surfing product for Kyosho. Shortly after that, I became a small business owner and hobby dealer. With the help of United Models, Great Planes ,Global Hobby, Octura and many others.
I built RCsurfrider.com in yr. 2000 with the help of my good buddy and web master Don Lee.
The rc surfer kit needed special attention to build, waterproof and to do aerial’s without damaging the board rider figure. Before RC Surfrider, the dude and fin would break plus the whole thing would fill up with sea water, NOT GOOD! After a few months I was manufacturing developing new parts, mods and technics for max fun times and power. My hope was to make this sport fun.
We now developed a new product that is far more than expected. Our (solid core) RC surfers are way stronger and better balanced. Water proofing has improved
and can land / recover more maneuvers and its reliable.
I still get small crowds of people would cheer and ask in enjoyment during every session. Where’d you get that? Can you build me one? Sure no problem! I can give you surf lessons too no worries. RCSurf.com
In 2001
We were contacted by The PSTA , OC Register, MTV, Planet X TV KTLA and others. Big THANK YOU!
I’ve built many RC surfriders /surfers for friends and good people over 22 years with enjoyment. I gave up my career and life savings for the love of this sport, surfing is RCSurfing too!
Fortunately, parents pushing my talents. My father and his father was mechanical genius’s /electronic engineer. I was born in 1970 with mechanically inclined DNA so I believed. I grew-up always building model rockets, planes, cars and boats since 5 years old. By the age 19, I perched and rebuilt a 1963 flat bottom V drive drag boat. I also landed a job at Yanert Helicopters in Upland California. I was working full time doing maintenance on helicopters, and airplanes. All my paychecks went to many surf trips living the dream around the world. As my surfing experience developed and combined with intense RCsurfing R &D full time has proven happiness and goodness for all...
For RCSurfRider is committed to spread the interest and the full capabilities of extreme but safe RCsurfing. THANK YOU to everyone for all your love and support.
Hope to sea ya in the water Aloha,
Edward Dietrich and the RCS crew